200th Anniversary Service and Lunch
On Sunday, 12th May, 2024, Hounslow URC Church celebrated 200 years of “Chapel” Worship in Hounslow. The Moderator of the Thames North Synod, Rev’d. George Watt was invited to preach and our Local Church Leader, John Latham lead the service. It was a joyous occasion, with singing, prayers, readings and beautiful flowers.
We were joined in worship by the Mayor of Hounslow and two local councillors, together with many past members and preachers who still lead our worship.
Some of the other two congregations who meet in our building (Deeper Life Bible Church and Word International) also joined us for this occasion. Greetings were sent from many who were unable to attend due to other commitments. Our worship was a mixture of looking back to the past, and looking forward to the future.
Afterwards, we had a fabulous buffet lunch in our church hall and a special cake to celebrate.
As part of this, an exhibition showed the 200 years of history. This will continue to be displayed in the church throughout our anniversary year.